Every year, marine animals are inadvertently caught in global fishing operations. This is known as bycatch. Clover Leaf is committed to mitigating and reducing bycatch through a combination of sourcing objectives, utilization of best practices and innovation. We are resolved to continuously reduce bycatch in our fisheries and will seek out opportunities and partnerships to develop innovative open-sourced solutions.
Best practices in use are –
- Circle hooks
- Deep sets
- Skipper training
- Monofilament leads
- Bird scaring
- Shark finning prohibited
- Fin fish for bait
- Non-entangling Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs)
Clover Leaf Seafoods is committed to creating a healthier marine ecosystems by reducing bycatch and addressing the impact of oceans plastics in partnership with Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI). GGGI is the world largest cross-sector alliance focused on solving the problem of lost and abandoned fishing gear worldwide. Check details here – https://www.ghostgear.org/