All of our albacore is line caught using longline, pole and line, or handline gear and is fully traceable from the fishing vessel to the canning facility using the code found on the top of the can. Longline vessels utilize circle hooks and monofilament lines, a combination recognized as best practice in reducing bycatch by such organizations as the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) and Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP). Circle hooks help reduce the catch of sea turtles and monofilament lines allow shark to bite through and escape. Clover Leaf Seafoods albacore tuna comes from fisheries with healthy stock levels. Our compliance with ISSF conservation measures which include traceability, legal harvest, prohibition of shark finning and vessel training on best practices to name a few, are audited and published on an annual basis by a third party. Click here to view our 2023 Audit Report.